Sunday, April 22, 2007


Today I lost and won. First, in fourth round I was paired against top-rated guy. Well, I had white pieces but once again that didn't help me at all. After 15 moves I was already defending and hoping for a miracle. I defended brilliantly, and eventually my strong opponent couldn't find a way to mate me although almost all his pieces were pointing towards my poor king. In the end I managed to "bounce back", and my counter-attack ended up being decisive. 1-0 for me.

Second game... I messed up the opening, got worse position, defended and defended, but this time my opponent also attacked accurately and I had to resign.

3/5 score, shared third place in group A, rating performance being decent 2100.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw the name of your blog and just HAD to check it out. glad i did, cool blog...