Tuesday, February 13, 2007

4th draw in a row

Yesterday I drew again. Nothing new there, I have drawn now 4 games in a row and have poor 3/5 score in our club tournament. Yesterday I was paired 1600 rated opponent. I got worse position right out of the opening, did my best to mess things up and play for a win, but in the end I had to take a draw. So, 3/5 might sound decent but when the average rating of my opponents is about 1700, and I am rated 2000, the illusion is gone.

Some good news too: my long games suck, but blitz is going pretty well, although I am still far away from the best days. Week ago I won club blitz tournament with 20/22 (+19 =2 -1) score, 0.5 points ahead of #1 ranked player (FM).

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